Hypnotherapy for Weightloss

Unlock your Wellbeing

The Power of Hypnotherapy for Weight Management in Edmonton

Pursuing a healthier lifestyle often involves more than the physical aspect of squeezing an exercise routine into an already busy schedule.

In fact, oftentimes the bigger challenge is overcoming the mental barriers that have been created for years before even donning workout clothes and lacing up sneakers.

Everyone knows intrinsically that exercise is good for them and yet most people struggle to do the very thing they know will make them feel and look better.

That’s where using hypnotherapy for weight management comes in.

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Understanding Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

There is a growing body of evidence which concludes that using hypnotherapy to lose weight improves weight loss outcomes.

Hypnotherapy accomplishes this by helping dissolve the mental barriers that have been created over the years of a sedentary modern lifestyle and helps to minimize the internalized excuses that are used to justify simply turning on Netflix and eating that pint of ice cream over lacing up and exercising.

By rewriting old, negative thoughts that have been cemented into the subconscious mind as repeating patterns that are often quite difficult to deviate from, the barriers that would otherwise prevent someone from making the good and healthy choice of exercising will become much easier to overcome.

If this is done enough times, the old patterns will dampen and lose their grip and the new pattern will predominate.

These new thought patterns will increase the likelihood of achieving the goals that have been created at the outset that are otherwise sometimes difficult to maintain. Then, as exercise becomes routine, the benefits that begin to be experienced will serve to add to the momentum

It should be noted that hypnotherapy will not magically make the pounds melt off; it still requires hard work.

Instead, Edmonton Hypnotherapy will make the task of working out seem less like work and more like pleasure (or at the very least not like torture), the same thing people are attempting to derive from binging on Netflix and Ben & Jerry’s.

Believe it or not, in time, even without hypnotherapy, exercising will start to become pleasurable.

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How Hypnotherapy Works for Losing Weight

In its most basic sense, hypnotherapy  helps clients enter a state of deep relaxation which lowers their defensive walls, walls that are otherwise propped-up by less than positive self-pre- conceptions and which work to prevent personal progress. By lowering these walls clients become capable of being more open to suggestions (suggestibility) which a hypnotherapist will use to re-write a client’s old ways of thinking with more positive and progress oriented suggestions that will then incorporate into their subconscious self image.

The idea being that hypnotherapy patients will begin to believe - on a very deep and personal level - that they are capable of achieving consistent work that can and will become a habit such that they will be able to obtain their weightloss goals.

If you are looking to use hypnotherapy to lose weight in Edmonton feel free to reach out to
Edmonton Hypnotherapy today to book a free initial assessment to determine your suitability for hypnotherapy.

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