Welcome to Edmonton Hypnotherapy, where transformation happens from deep within!

You already possess the tools to achieve your best life, but modern living can make accessing those innate abilities challenging. At Edmonton Hypnotherapy we specialize in helping you access more of your subconscious mind where we can help you rewrite old or broken pathways with newer positive instructions to make achieving your goals possible.

We focus on empowering you with a positive outlook so that the goals you’ve set for yourself are no longer mountains to climb, but a journey to experience and enjoy and from which to grow. Our hypnotherapists offer a range of services including hypnotherapy for stress, hypnosis for weight loss, quitting smoking or vaping, and managing chronic pain.

Our approach is rooted in compassion, integrity, and confidentiality. We believe in creating a safe and nurturing environment where you can explore the depths of your mind and unlock your true potential. By guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness, we help you tap into the limitless resources within yourself to create lasting transformation.

We encourage you to book an appointment to experience the profound benefits of hypnotherapy and embark on a journey of self-discovery with us.

Together, let's unleash the power of your mind and pave the way for a brighter, more vibrant future.

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